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Yankees, Mets Rumors of the Week: Cliff Lee, Dan Haren, Jenrry Mejia, Ty Wigginton, Roy Oswalt & More

Names, names, and more names are being thrown around in rumors involving the Yankees and Mets.

The All-Star break is approaching and that is usually when trade talks start heating up. Rumors are flying around all over the place, chat room, internet blogs, news reports, etc.

One of my favorite places to find the latest rumors is

Here are the following moves and rumors from the Yankees and Mets that have popped up this past week:


– The Yankees have been scouting Mariners starter Cliff Lee but they claim it is just routine coverage of a pitcher on their free agent wish list.

– CC Sabathia has said he would be happy to help recruit his friend Cliff Lee is needed.

– Dustin Moseley has been called up to the Majors with Boone Logan being sent back down. Not sure this makes much sense. Moseley had an ERA over 4.00 in Triple-A so far this year. He did however have an opt-out clause in his contract and could have left the Yankees system if he was not called up. Logan had been pitching better of late. Anyone else think they should have released Chan Ho Park or Chad Gaudin instead of optioning Logan? Count me as one!

– Catcher Chad Moeller cleared waivers and accepted an assignment to Triple-A. I give the guy credit, he must love playing the game. Outfielder Colin Curtis had been called up to take Moeller’s spot on the roster. Curtis has already seen some game action.

– Yankees have had scouts watching Arizona Diamondbacks’ starter Dan Haren.

– Team President Randy Levine played the role of Captain Obvious this week when stating it is “highly highly unlikely” both Derek Jeter and Mariano Rivera are not back with the team next season.


– The team has begun preliminary talks with teams regarding pitching help. This includes Seattle about Cliff Lee.

– Rumor has it the Met’s won’t trade Jenrry Mejia for Lee unless they can sign Lee to an extension. Other reports say that’s not true. Believe whatever you want.

– Michael Barrett has signed a minor league deal with the Mets. This move adds catching depth. Possible backup to Barajas. Or depth because the team plans on trading Josh Thole?

– The Mets have acquired outfielder Jorge Padilla from the Blue Jays in exchange for pitcher Clint Everts. Padilla was batting .330 with four home runs for Toronto’s Triple-A squad.

– The team is not actively pursuing a trade for a second baseman.

– Orioles Ty Wigginton said he would not mind playing for the Mets. The Orioles are reportedly asking for a young shortstop in return however.

– Reports are saying Jenrry Mejia would not get a Lee trade done, but shortstop prospect Wilmer Flores could.

– The Mets have no interest in pitchers Kevin Millwood and Jake Westbrook, little interest in Roy Oswalt and Fausto Carmona, but could have interest in Ted Lilly. Lilly is likely the teams top alternative to Cliff Lee. I said a while back, I would try to get Lilly if I was the Mets.

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