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New York Jets Becoming Public Enemy #1?

Article written by Double G Sports Contributing Writer, JC Carr.

The New York Jets have quickly become the most hated team in the NFL. 

It all started with the head coach’s brash talk and cocky swagger (not to mention his disrespect for the revered Tony Dungy) and has culminated in “The Trip”.  Rex Ryan has led a class organization and what could be a Super Bowl contender under any other coach into the dark world of cheats and unscrupulous characters. 

Aside from stocking a roster with guys of questionable morals like Santonio Holmes and Braylon Edwards, the team has fostered an atmosphere of ethics-less bullyism.  Could you ever imagine a Tom Landry, Bill Parcells, or even a Mike Shanahan led team pulling a stunt like you saw on the Jets sideline Sunday?  Could you imagine a Buddy Ryan lead team doing it? 

The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.  Class organizations with class employees don’t need to resort to putting bounties on the opposition or having coaches trip gunners on the sidelines.  Don’t get me wrong, Ryan is a hell of a defensive mind and can coach up his system, but he’s no leader.  Leaders lead.  They stand up like men and play the game the right way. 

There’s a reason the Philadelphia Eagles had the most talented roster in the ‘90s and never even made the Super Bowl.  Buddy couldn’t lead and neither can Rex. 

Sorry Flyboys but the beloved Gang Green will never win with Rex Ryan and the classless atmosphere he embodies at the healm.  Doesn’t good always conquer evil?

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