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Big League Dreams a Reality for Tim Tebow?

Tim Tebow began his transition from former NFL quarterback and current ESPN analyst to aspiring MLB player in September 2016. He signed a contract with the New York Mets organization. During his first year he played at two levels of Class A baseball starting with the Class A Columbia Fireflies, and was then promoted to the St.Lucie Mets, a class A-advanced team.

Tebow completed his first year in MiLB with a .226 batting average, eight home runs and 52 RBI in 126 games. His performance still left the question, as a 30-year old in Minor League Baseball, are the Major Leagues still a feasible option for Tim Tebow?

Mets GM Sandy Alderson seems to believe so, after saying, “I think he’ll be a major league player at some point, I think he will play in the major leagues. That’s my guess. That’s my hope, and to some extent now after a year and a half, a modest expectation.”

Alderson’s comments left many fans and speculators questioning, how is that even a possibility considering Tebow’s performance in the minor leagues has been average at best.

His past performance does not seem to add up to Major League caliber just yet, but despite having a .226 batting average, Tebow has been moving up quickly in the Mets farm system ranks and it seems the next stop for him is Double-A Binghamton.  This sort of promotion would be impossible if this were any other Minor League Player, which leaves some speculating that perhaps this is a marketing ploy by the Mets.

When Tebow played with the Fireflies, attendance increased by 40% and stadiums were sold out, and this year seems to follow the same pattern.  Tebow has an enormous platform as an athlete, and no matter what sport, or team he’s at, he will always come with a massive following of fans and spectators and many believe the Mets are taking advantage of this.

As of lately, after suffering a minor ankle injury last week, Tebow made his debut this season in camp, as the designated hitter in the Mets 2-1 loss to the Nationals. He went 1-for-3 with a line drive single. After the game, Tebow made it clear that this season would be better than his last one.

“I feel a lot more adjusted to the game, I feel like I have a very different approach and swing, so I can be alot more patient seeing pitches and trusting all the work I put in,” Tebow said in the post game conference.  

NY Mets manager Micky Callaway also believes Tebow will succeed.  

“Tim Tebow’s here because he can potentially help us at the major league level. He wouldn’t be here otherwise,” he explained.

What can truly be said, is that Tim Tebow will not be going anywhere anytime soon, and we can follow his journey to Citi Field and perhaps one day see him play there.


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