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FWE No Limits 2015: Why Indie Wrestling Is Purely The Best

Photo by Ram Hernz

Photo by Ram Hernz

The Family Wrestling Federation show at the Resorts World Casino New York City was, from top to bottom, the best entertainment dollar for dollar. The idea that indie wrestling is devoid of top talent only needs to see the recent successes of CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, Seth Rollins, and Dean Ambrose just to name a few to refute that notion. Keeping that in mind, there was a lot of talent in that ring that one can see one day in WWE.

But for now, it was FWE and starting with the meet and greet, one could easily see why they are a “family” promotion. All the wrestlers on tap were accessable and even had their own wares that were available, most of which were quite impressive and hard to ignore. The heaviness of the championship belts were a surprise and seeing veterans like Tommy Dreamer and Matt Hardy intermixed with performers of various stages and experiences were notable. The friendliness of Bandido Jr. was refreshing in our interview, while the silent confidence of Brian Christopher and height of ICW Champ Drew Galloway left an impression. Tri-borough champion Paul London was extremely personable and the beard made him look much more imposing than his look on the FEW banner.

The tone was set for the night with Robbie E, all muscular in pink trunks and boots spent most of the evening alternating between calling his opponent Orange Cassidy, a freak (due to his zombie like movements) and taking  pics with his selfie stick. At one point, as Cassidy surprised him with a move that landed him on his belly, the referee took time to take a selfie of Cassidy and Robbie, to his consternation. Despite being frustrated most of the match Robbie E scored the pin on Cassidy after a low blow behind the Orange One.

The match of the night very well was a five star tag team duel between The Juicy Product (David Starr & JT Dunn) and Bandido Jr. and Trent? The Juicy’s Ones had to endure a sign of theirs being torn up by their opponents.  The plethora of bumps and high impact slams and splashes along with slaps and punches awed the crowd throughout until finally JT Dunn scored the pin on Bandido in the close. All four contragulated each other post match. David Starr gets the nod for a ton of heavy ring work and skills on this one, but all four made this the match of the night…until the finale.

In a Four Way Jorge Santi, an impressive looking athlete came out of a swarm of activity as he outlasted Kevin Tibbs, who called himself the best in the world, and often struck from the blind side, Mike Law, the smallest one in this contest but no less effective, and Wes Draven, whose small but athletic exploits this evening was worthy of “The Crow.” In the end it was “Firebird” Jorge Santi who caught Tibbs in a powerbomb to gain the pin.

The women made their first appearance as Katarina Leigh, billed from Australia was matched up against the georgeous redhead, Taeler Hendrix, whose screams of her Boston hometown won no fans. One of the better moments was when Hendrix laying a kiss on Leigh before hitting her finishing move, a fake headbutt to stomach while, now follow this…simultaneously landing a round house kick to the head. But surprise!!! Leigh countered with a hairpull into a beak breaker to sneak the pin.

Johnny Gargano versus Brian Myers, the King of Queens was a surprising good match due to the chemistry between these two, something that by appearances did not look likely because of Myer’s agility. After a brutal series of near falls from both parties, Gargano finally prevailed and is one to watch.

The luchadores did more than fill a spot, they simply exhausted the crowd and would take another article to cover in this tag team encounter that saw Jigsaw and Tony Nese(the only unmasked one) defeat the Colony (Fire and Silver Ant).

Joey Ryan is simply the most controversial figure in FWE now and along with Candice LeRae, the Women’s champ, have been raising havoc. In his Joey Ryan’s rules match against Indie and ECW legend Tommy Dreamer, the only rule was no singapore cane. It turned into the battle of blowpops, strategically placed in private and nasty parts before inserting into the mouth of first Dreamer, then Ryan. But Dreamer still had enough weapons to put Joey through hell, but Candice stuck her nose in and assisted Ryan to victory. Which led to Candice challenger to her title this evening, Veda Scott to join in the action by countering Joey spin slam into a counter DDT and suddenly, the FWE Women’s match began. Dreamer assisted Scott until the referee threw Tommy out of the match after kissing Candice in the ropes. The champion took full advantage as Veda, as Veda, after disposing of Ryan and showing off the cane to the crowd, Candice grabbed Scott into a swinging neckbreaker to win the match and retain the FWE Women’s championship.

The next match was a tag team attraction and a surprise announcement as  “The Addiction” (Fallen Angel Brian Christopher and Kazarian) faced the “Adrenaline Express” EJ Risk and VSK saw the veteran “Addiction” clad in devil red, getting the worst of it but they turned it around as Daniels slammed his opponents face into Kaz foot because “He didn’t like his face.” But the tide turned several times until during a four way pier sixer, Daniels caught Risk in a swirling neckbreaker to win the match. Afterwards Risk mentioned that he was wrestling with a knee injury and was announcing his retirement. “Nine out of ten indie promotions have their head up their ass, but I’m happy to say that FWE is not one of them.” Risk proclaimed. Later VSK would put Risk into the ground and carried out with a serious injury for the surprise.

The Insane Championship Wrestling champion, Drew Galloway “I’m having the time of my life” defended against Matt Hardy. It was a match where only pinfalls or submissions would be counted. Hardy became the victim of a “Dusty finish” when he appeared to have pinned Galloway as he hit Drew with a diamond cutter as he was being taunted,  but the champion had a foot on the rope. As the announcement took place the referee, having been floored by Galloway earlier reversed the decision and Galloway hit a double armed DDT to retain the ICW strap.

The Main Event was all anyone could ask for as Tri-borough champion, Paul London, dressed in prisoner orange walked around the ballroom to take in the entire audience against his challenger, Matt Sydal, funny and engaging throughout. Sydal was doing pullups on the entrance grid to kill time. London, with heavy knee brace, was not satisfied with his movement and took it off. The match proceeded to match power and speed moves until London finally prevailed over Sydal. But when London was facing Joey Ryan, who appeared after the match proclaiming, “Everyone knows you’re probably the best Tri-borough champion ever, but I have a pretty good won loss record in FWE and I believe I deserve a shot.” During this speech, Candice snuck up on London and grabbed him by the jewels and proceeded to suplex him over her head. London was perplexed. “What was that just happened?” But he soon brought his just conquered opponent, Sydal, and offered him an opportunity to team with him and a name was born from the audience “Jesus rises.”

After a full night of action and intrigue, FWE will return to Brooklyn, NY on March 11th as the FWE World Champion, John Morrison defends in a two of three falls match against A.J. Styles.

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