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3 Tips for Maintaining Your Mountain Bike

Like any piece of equipment, bicycles are expected to be adhered to in order to keep them in optimal working order, and never is this more imperative than with mountain bikes. Mountain bikes are an advanced product of technology that should be kept in prime working order for your proper exercise and safety.

Therefore, owning a mountain bike means being up to date on its consistent maintenance so that you get the most out of the bike you have purchased. This can get expensive, but thankfully, most of the maintenance routines that bicycles must go through can be done yourself in the comfort of your own home.

  1. Inspect

For starters, the most efficient way to adjust your bike as needed is to lay it upside down on its seat and on top of a soft surface, so that the tires and gears are more accessible and can be maneuvered more easily, as this makes them easier to see and handle.

Go through the mechanisms of your bike, and deduce any visible needs it might have: Are the wheels low on air? Is your chain rusting? Are any of the bolts loose? Be sure there are no obvious problems in your bicycle’s function before you do any further work on it.

  1. Wash

Washing your bike is an important aspect in keeping up with its needs. The frequency does vary per person, depending upon how much you ride your bike and the conditions in which your bike is ridden, so keep your own personal circumstances in mind when deciding how often or to what degree you should be tending to your bicycle.

To clean your bike, make sure you have dishwasher soap, warm water, a dry rag, and then a sponge, a toothbrush, or any other utensil that could better help you get to the tiny corners and crevices of your mountain bike. Make sure you clean the chain, the seat, the pedals, the brakes, and any other lasting metal piece of your equipment, but be sure not to overdo it with the water at the end to reduce rusting (hence the dry rag).

This process also includes lubrication, which should also be applied to most of the metal pieces of the bicycle. Additionally, while the variety of soap used did not matter significantly, it is imperative to specifically get bike lubricant for the features that will be requiring it.

  1. Replace Features When Needed

It is good to be aware of the general condition of your bike’s features, especially the longer they have not been replaced. Particular the tires and brakes are vital parts to your instrument that should be treated with respect, as they are essential to your safety. If you are asking “when should you replace the tires?” or any similar question, it is suggested to do the research on your own or talk to a consultant so long as you consider your standard biking routine.

In fact, for those of you who bike often and laboriously, it is recommended that you get your mountain bicycle serviced once to twice a year on average. This will ensure that regardless of the conditions in which you bike or how long those rides may last, your bicycle will withstand the circumstances without putting your safety at risk.

Final Thoughts

Just as your car needs a fine tuning here and there—be it your tires, your oil, or your air conditioning—your mountain bike is no different. To serve you to the best of its abilities, as well as keep you secure during arduous ventures, it is hugely important that you take the time and energy to inspect your mountain bike every now and again. Make sure that you are aware of anything that looks or feels off, and wash it consistently so as to promote lubrication and prevent rusting.

Any questions or concerns can be brought to a personal consultant, and never hesitate to do so, because your safety is always the top priority.

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